Day: 3 June 2024

I don’t know about you but I am dreaming of warmer days, maybe heading to a beach, far away and having some down time in a country where I don’t have to wear a jacket all the time! This got me thinking about the ultimate travel essentials I need when I go away on holiday. […]
Object of desire Laptops: once deemed a revolutionary product, enabling executives to throw their computer in a bag, hop on the train and give a winning presentation. Now, thanks to the BlackBerry Presenter, they might soon be consigned to the scrapheap of technology history. The Presenter is the latest offering in the fight against clunky […]
The next big thing Bursting out of the cinema screens and into our homes, 3D technology is set to make its televisual debut, with several manufacturers poised to release 3D-ready sets this year. Sky has announced the arrival of a 3D channel in the next few months and Sony is already predicting that these sets […]
East London is one of the most wonderful places in London. It offers visitors a lot of extraordinary markets, over 100 annual events and 130 attractions. But more important: East London is also the host of the Olympics and Paralympics Games in 2012. Here are just a few of a comprehensive range of gorgeous places: […]

Explore England and visit places of natural beauty, historical importance and world renowned British architecture. Choose from hundreds of hotels and book on-line, search England’s most popular towns and find the most popular attractions.

Whilst visiting England you may wish to cross the borders and visit Scotland, Wales or even have a short flight to Ireland. By following the links above you can visit these sister sites and plan a visit.